Monday, June 20, 2011


Assalamualaikum. Welcome to my blog. A short introduction, I am a stay at home mom with 2 young kids. I used to have a 9 to 6(++) job for 12 long years, but as funny as it may sounds it didn't give me the satisfaction and fulfilment that I was looking for. So after long and hard thinking a decision was made and I left my full time job. My objective is simply to seek a better life for my family. The definition of a better life is subjective; one may perceive it as by having mounts of riches and wealth; but to me a better life would simply mean I am able to provide my family with the quality life that they deserve. 
This blog is my platform to make some side income apart from my part time job; the blouses here are linked to my online store Being a muslimah I am often searching for blouses that fit the muslimah criterias. The blouses that I have in this blog are suitable for muslimahs, rest assured that they are all new and I will bring in more new selections. Insya-Allah.

Thank you.

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